Sunday, June 03, 2007

A New Contest

Hi everyone, sorry I've been out of touch for a while... the tour is just all consuming. 174 bookstores and I'm not even two weeks in! There's so much good stuff in the news, it kills me not to write about it... but I barely have time to read it, let alone to blog. Another two weeks or so to go, and then I'll get to indulge my addiction to politics, language, and miscellaneous again...

Requiem just received a terrific review on a terrific website -- Cinematic Happenings Under Development. In conjunction with the review, the reviewer, Cameron Hughes, is running a contest, with a personally inscribed copy of Requiem as the prize. Check it out here on CHUD, and good luck!

Off to Denver tomorrow -- hope to see you on the road.



Randy Johnson said...

Congrats on the review. My copy of "Requiem" is on it's way now.

Anonymous said...

I started the novel yesterday and have enjoyed the first 60 pages or so. I hope to attend your appearance in Milwaukee on June 12th.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the review and all of your fine work. I wish you had more time to post, because your blog is excellent.

174 bookstores in less than two weeks is hard to imagine. Sounds like a marathon. I look forward to when you can post more often.

ZenPupDog said...

You know I'd read this just after I bought Requiem - shucks.

I'll finish it tonight as I am a natural speed reader.

ssas said...

ooo, Denver. Maybe going by Tattered Cover? I might just have to check their website for signings.

Oblivious to oblivion said...

Barry, the email addy I have for you no longer works so I am posting this to your blog - feel free to NOT post this to your blog...

I know you're pretty damn busy, so I'll make this short - I just finished reviewing your book at my site and you can read my review here:

So, what's it like being on the Best Seller list? Best natural high in the world, I would imagine. I'd wish you luck, but it seems you already have it all...

all my best,


Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I could make the Carmel, Indiana book signing. I'll be stuck on post doing a lame SRP. Deployments always interrupt the good things in life!

Anonymous said...

You've earned your good fortune, Barry.
Have F U N with the book tour.
Adam of CA

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the review!

What a schedule you're keeping!

Good luck. Will look forward to your posts again. I enjoy reading your views.

Take care!

Unknown said...

Loved the book, blogged about Rain getting his iPhone before they were out (and before Cingular changed its name) at Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

I see you hit the PX at Ft. Hood. How about doing a PX tour in Germany. You would be welcome.