Monday, May 21, 2007

Get Ready for Requiem!

Hi everyone, well, tomorrow's the big day: Requiem for an Assassin will officially be available in bookstores. My first appearance is at Kepler's in Menlo Park, California, and I'll be on the road for a month after that. If you're around one of the cities on the tour calendar, come on by! It would be good to meet you in person.

And if you'd like a peek at the, uh, naughty bits of the new book, Lustbites has just posted an excerpt and an amusing interview. Enjoy.

With the tour about to start, I'm probably going to miss a few weeks of blogging. But you can find me on my website discussion board. It's a fun forum with a lot of interesting people talking about these blog posts, the Rain books, politics, single malt whisky, and anything else that strikes people's fancy, so if you have a chance, why don't you stop by and say hello? It would be good to see you there.

Thanks for all your support and I hope you enjoy the new book!



Jim Winter said...

"My first appearance is at Kepler's in Menlo Park, California,"

Gee, I wonder why I find that so interesting? =)

Anonymous said...

Are you gonna have time to do any pop-ins while you're out? Tattered Cover? Murder By The Book?

I try to avoid Boulder at all costs.

Of course, for a signed first I'd probably suck it up and head to the People's Republic!

In any case, I'm looking forward to it.

Scott Marlowe said...

Good luck with it, Barry.

As an aside, I used to live in Menlo Park after graduating college and used to hang out at Kepler's and whatever that next door coffee shop is called. Alas, I've moved on and won't be able to make your appearance.

JD Rhoades said...

Best of luck, Barry. And let me know if you're coming near Nawth Ca'lina. We'll go get some barbecue.

Nonfactor said...


Congratulations again! Have fun on the tour!

Sensen No Sen

Spy Scribbler said...

Good luck, Barry! I'm halfway through it, and I couldn't put it down, not even to write. (And I never skip my writing time to read. NEVER, ever, ever!)

But I'm getting this feeling, this Stage 1 sort of feeling, that, um, that ... (I can't even say it!)

Despite the title, this can't possibly be the last Rain book, right?

Alison Tyler said...

Good luck with the tour!
Thanks for stopping by LustBites!


Timothy said...

Hey Barry,
Great seeing you at Third Place last night!
Good luck with the rest of the tour!


Sean Wright said...

Can't wait to read it, Amazon has shipped it but it will take another 2 weeks to get to Central Australia.

Any chance you might do an Australian tour one day?

Barry Eisler said...

Hi Rob, will definitely be doing stock signings at many stores in Denver. Scott, sorry we missed each other; the cafe is called Borrone and it's great. JD, I wish I were coming to NC! Hopefully in '08. Spyscribbler, fear not, I think the next Rain book will be a prequel explaining some of his origins. And Sean, I've been trying to persuade my Oz publisher for years! We need to start a campaign...


Anonymous said...

Hey Barry,

You are one of a few authors that I buy hardback copies at full(ish) price. I finished your book last weekend and was blown away by the John Rain character, again! It is a great book, a delightful edition to the series.

I must admit that I am very excited at the prospect of a prequel or two. I am also hopeful that you will continue to define and redefine the Rain/Iceman relationship sometime in the future.

Thank you