Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Guest Blogging

I need to get better about linking here when I'm blogging elsewhere. Here are a few recent guest posts:

First, on novelist J.A. Konrath's blog, on how to decide between a legacy publishing contract and self-publishing.

Next, at Writer Unboxed, on The Critical Aspects of Digital Publishing. [link fixed]

And today on Techdirt, I'm interviewed by Mike Masnick on Copyright, Piracy And Why SOPA/PIPA Are "Extremely Disturbing"

I should mention too that I'll be doing the keynote at the annual Writers Digest Conference in New York, January 20-22.

Finally, here are some of the highlights of my recent talk at Grub Street Writers in Boston, all about the digital revolution in publishing.

Barry Eisler, Publish It Forward Lecture Part 1 from Grub Street on Vimeo.

Barry Eisler, Publish It Forward Part 2 (Q&A) from Grub Street on Vimeo.

Barry Eisler, Publish It Forward Part 3 (Q&A) from Grub Street on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Barry,

    I enjoyed your talk; as someone who knows next to nothing about publishing a book (and the publishing business), there were lots of nice stories, factiods, and thought processes in your presentation. I specifically enjoyed the section about deriving your tactics from your goals: obvious yet timeless.

    Do you think you could do a blog post which elaborated on your experience with editors? Specifically, what kind of advice would you provide to a first-time self-publisher on selecting an editor? What kinds of things do you personally look for, and what kinds of things would you avoid at all costs?

    Also, as someone who works in technology, I'm always on the hunt for a new business idea. Do you think there is an opportunity for a business that brings together writers and editors? For example, a website that lists lots of different editors with their editing experience and domain knowledge, samples of their editing (i.e. before and after shots of the edited work), etc...? The idea being that writers can get a good look at an editor before committing to a specific individual. Does this business already exist? Would it even be feasible? ( I wouldn't know; I don't know much about the industry).

    Thanks again for your time and your video; quite illuminating.


  2. I second Stephen on this. Thanks so much, Barry.

    I saw you speak on "craft" a few years ago in NY. I think it was called "A Writers Space," or "Place." Maybe "Backspace"? Something like that. Joe Konrath played the harmonica that day, too.

    The Petoskey Stone
