Friday, March 04, 2016

A Few More God's Eye Interviews and Appearances

Been a busy month promoting God's Eye. In case you missed these:

I did this "Five Questions on Publishing" interview with author Chris Jane at Jane Friedman's blog. We cover a lot of ground; here's just a sample:

By the way, another bit of establishment publishing propaganda is the notion that the publisher is losing money until the author earns out. This bit of bullshit is intended to make authors feel guilty and beholden about their advances. But it isn’t true, and here’s a quick logic experiment to prove it:

Imagine a scenario in which the author receives a 99 percent royalty. The author would earn out her advance very quickly, right? But the publisher would make almost no money and remain in the red long after the earn-out.

Conversely, imagine a scenario in which the author receives a 1 percent royalty. The author would probably never earn out the advance, but the publisher would quickly recoup its investment and make bank after that.

And in fact, superstar authors typically receive advances so large they’re designed not to be earned out, but function instead as a de facto higher-than-normal digital royalty rate (the technique is a way of evading the digital royalty “most favored customer” clauses that are common in publishing contracts). And even though these huge advances never earn out, the publisher still makes money.

So while there might be some loose correlation between the author earning out and the publisher making money, the notion that they’re one and the same is false and misleading. Publishers typically start to make money on a book before the author earns out, and even if the author never earns out at all.

Obviously, this is something the Guardians and Curators of Rich Literary Culture and Nurturers of Talent™ would rather we not know.

And an audio interview on God's Eye and more with Speaking of Mysteries:

And another audio interview with Author Link.

And now I better get back to writing the next book. :)


  1. Mr. Eisler I listened to God’s Eye on Audible and loved every minute of it. On the off chance you are reading this I want to thank you.

    As a reader I’m concerned about self-publishing because I think you are the exception rather than the rule. When you read a novel you turn in a performance that better than almost everyone I’ve heard and I have hundreds of novels in my Audible collection. I own your print novels and you preform every support structure a novelist needs better than the people who publishers employ to do those jobs. I think other writers need the support structure that publishers provide even if that structure horribly bloated. I’ve seen other authors not named Barry Eisler self-publish and relative to their past works it generally a train wreck. I’m not going to name any names or go into example because as a reader I’m still incredibly grateful for all the adventures and being a good critic is not a skill I have.

    All that said I still want self-published novels to do well. Contacts for most writers are very one-sided in favor of the publisher which is a shame because it’s the writer’s labors that makes everything possible and gives everyone in the publishing industry a job. If more and more writers can succeed at self-publishing other writers can negotiate more even contracts and self-publish writers can develop their own support structure which they so desperately need so everyone wins.

  2. Two months. Two months of clicking everyday. Disappointment. Everyday.

    "Maybe he's finishing up a new book." I said to myself. No, no joy.

    "Maybe he died". I googled "barry eisler died". 169,000 hits (scary eh?) but none of them actually say you died.

    I found you on Google+. Nothing of substance but at least I know you were alive two weeks ago.

    I need some Barry Eisler!

  3. Thanks TImBo, the next book (out in October) really sucked me in. But I just turned in the revisions, so hopefully will reanimate online now... :)

  4. " Imagine a scenario in which the author receives a 99 percent royalty. The author would earn out her advance very quickly, right? But the publisher would make almost no money and remain in the red long after the earn-out."

    You have it the wrong way around.The advance given to te author earns out (is recouped) when the publisher gets back the money given ti the author in the advance.

  5. I don't want to seem argumentative, but I don't want anyone reading this to be misled, either--my formulation is accurate. The author's advance is earned out based on whatever amount the author receives in ongoing royalties. It's the author earning out, not the publisher, and again, the notion that the author's earn-out and the publisher's recoup are the same thing is inaccurate and propagandistic.

  6. Waiting for Eisler
    [With apologies to Samuel Beckett and anyone els foolish enough to read this]

    A country road. A tree.


    Rain, sitting on a low mound, is trying to take off his boot. He pulls at it with both hands, panting.

    He gives up, exhausted, rests, tries again.

    As before.

    Enter Manus.

    Rain: (giving up again). Nothing to be done.

    Manus: (advancing with short, stiff strides, legs wide apart). I'm beginning to come round to that opinion. All my life I've tried to put it from me, saying Manus, be reasonable, you haven't yet tried everything. And I resumed the struggle. (He broods, musing on the struggle. Turning to Rain.) So there you are again.

    Rain: Am I?

    Manus: I'm glad to see you back. I thought you were gone forever.

    Rain: Me too. That prick Eisler is writing about some woman named Live Alone and doesn’t have any time for us now. Not even a mention in his blog.

    Manus: Together in oblivion.

    Rain: May one inquire where His Highness spent the night?

    Manus: Nowhere, driving in a car, I don’t know. He had me in a car at the end of his last novel. Now it looks like he’ll never write about me again.

    Rain: You’re probably right. It’s oblivion for us.

    Manus: (without anger). It's not certain.

    Rain: No, nothing is certain.

    Manus slowly crosses the stage and sits down beside Rain.

    Manus: We can still part, if you think it would be better.

    Rain: It's not worthwhile now.


    Manus: No, it's not worthwhile now.


    Rain: Well, shall we go?

    Manus: Yes, let's go.

    They do not move and neither does Eisler, still refusing to write even a blog positing.

  7. Hah. Agreed to do two new books between now and April, so trying to steer clear of blogging. I'm sure I'll be back to it soon enough. :)

  8. I'd rather your books than blogs anyway. Thanks for letting me know. I'll stop harassing you.

    Take care.
