Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Why Everyone Should Care About Journalist Barrett Brown's Sentencing Today

Guest blogging today with Freedom of the Press Foundation:

"Journalist Barrett Brown is expected to be sentenced by a judge today in a highly controversial case brought by the Justice Department. The below excerpt is an adapted and updated version of the foreword to Barrett's most recent book, written by author Barry Eisler.

"If you don't believe America has political prisoners, you've never heard of Barrett Brown. Which would be a shame on several fronts, because you'd be missing out on one of America's most fearless and talented reporters, and on an object lesson regarding just how far the government is willing to go to suppress journalism and intimidate journalists.

"I first came across Barrett in a 2009 issue of Vanity Fair, where he had written an article called 'Thomas Friedman's Five Worst Predictions.' The article perfectly showcased what I subsequently learned were the Barrett Brown trademarks: iconoclastic insight; hilarious wit, ranging from the dry to the outrageous; a broad and deep frame of reference; incisive argument; complete fearlessness about offending anyone deserving of offense; an abiding sense of citizenship and patriotism.

"I was wowed by the article—both its substance, and, even rarer among political writers, its style. I sent Barrett an email..."

Read the whole post at Freedom of the Press Foundation.


  1. Sentencing delayed again. I'd bet the final sentence will be "time served".

  2. Checking where in the First Amendment you can break the law because you really feel like it...section not found.

  3. Checking where in the Constitution the government can violate the First Amendment because it really feels like it...section not found.

    I wonder if there's a more productive means of discussion than this one, though? Though I confess the sarcasm is easy and does feel kinda good. Which I suppose is really the point.

  4. Your example is irrelevant to the discussion. Try harder, Barry.
