Wednesday, May 30, 2007

John Rain a New York Times Bestseller!

Hi everyone, just had to let you know that John Rain is officially a New York Times bestseller! Requiem for an Assassin debuted at #19; not bad for a first-timer to the illustrious list. Thanks for helping me make it happen! It'll be interesting to see whether the book moves up next week... speaking of which, if you haven't picked up a copy yet, now would be a propitious moment to do so...

The tour is going well, but isn't leaving me much time for email or blogging. The place to find me these days is on my new discussion board. It's only been up for a month or so, but is already full of interesting people from around the world talking politics, whisky, and of course John Rain. If you have a chance, stop by and say hello. And thanks again for all your support!



Ali Karim said...


The book is my sweaty hands as we speak -



JD Rhoades said...

Congratulations, Barry! Well deserved.

Anonymous said...


It's long overdue.

Jason Pinter said...

Congrats Barry! That should make the Sex & Booze panel at ThrillerFest that much more fun.

Anonymous said...


elkit said...

Congratulations! That is very well-deserved. I got done reading within 2 days, and loved it. You're almost done with your next novel, right? Right?

In need of a new fix,


Anonymous said...

Glad to see others have discovered John Rain and great writing.
Congradulations! and thanks to the Reacher creatures for helping me find your books.

Anonymous said...

Sincere congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Barry!

I just finished it last night -- it was an excellent read!



Travis Erwin said...


I look forward to picking the book up and meeting you at the conference in Amarillo.

Sean Wright said...

Congratulations, just recieved it here in Australia. will probably have it finished by the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Mega congrats for hitting the NYT best seller list with Requiem for an Assassin!