Tuesday, February 19, 2013

London Twist, Available Today!

Hi everyone, I’m beyond excited (what is beyond excited, anyway?  Ecstatic?  Delirious?  Orgasmic?  Maybe all of the above) to share two big announcements today.  First, my new Delilah novella, London Twist, is available at last; second, my publishing contracts for my first eight novels have been amicably terminated and all rights reverted to me!

Here’s more about London Twist, published by Thomas & Mercer and available exclusively from Amazon (and available in the UK Kindle Store, too):

For Delilah, the Mossad’s top seductress, the parameters of the assignment were routine.  The contractor:  MI6.  The objective:  infiltrate a terror network, this one operating out of London.  The stakes:  a series of poison gas attacks on civilian population centers.

There’s just one wrinkle.  The target is a woman—as smart, beautiful, and committed as Delilah herself.  And for a cynical operative thrust suddenly out of her element, the twists and turns of the spy game are nowhere near as dangerous as the secrets and desires of the human heart.

This story is approximately 36,000 words—the equivalent of about 145 paper pages.  It is a novella, not a novel.

And hey, no skipping to the dirty parts.

For now, London Twist will be available exclusively in digital.  Here are my reasons why, along with information on how to read the novella if you don't have a Kindle.

As for the first eight novels, I’m thrilled to be publishing them with the titles and covers I’ve always wanted.  Why have I changed the titles and covers?  I thought you might ask...

What’s really great is that with my rights reverted, the Rain books will finally be available in digital outside the United States.  This is a huge win for Rain fans in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere—especially at a price of US$4.99 (or foreign currency equivalent).  If you care about more people reading, as I do, then you’ll want books available everywhere, at low prices, as soon as possible, in as many formats as possible.  Anything else comes at the expense of readers, authors, and the general public.  There’s a better way, and I’m proud to be part of it.

Stay tuned for one more big announcement in the coming months—I’m busting to tell you more, but for now, mum’s the word.  Thanks as always for all your support and for enjoying the stories!



Jack O said...

Here's a question for you regarding ebook sales. I just went to Amazon to purchase London Twist and I noticed it is available free to borrow for Amazon Prime members (of which I am one). What kind of remuneration do you receive from that kind of transaction? I want to make sure authors like yourself aren't shortchanged.

Kriley said...

Congrats on getting your rights back! I can't wait to see the new covers.

Barry Eisler said...

Thanks Kevin. Jack, authors get taken care of either way -- thanks for asking.

jay said...

I was excited -- but not anymore, it's drm'ed! Now it's locked on my PC and I can't take it onto my nexus...

Barry Eisler said...

Jay, my understanding is that it's not DRMed but that Amazon is using a new file format. This is why I no longer recommend Calibre or other attempts at conversion in my website FAQs; results seem too inconsistent.

As a workaround, you could try downloading a free Kindle app to your PC. Or, if you'd rather (and you'd be missing a great story! ;)), you should be able to return it for a full refund.

ryan field said...

Congrats on getting your rights...a day I can't wait for myself.

Unknown said...

Ivin @ Authopublisher

Hello Barry. I im,agine you have to be SUPER excited about having your books released from the contract. Care to share why they did this? And I imagine wiritng the Delilah novella is much easier because of your CIA background. Gosh, I have so many questions: Care for an interview for my blog?

Jaime D Buckley said...

Barry, AWESOME news about the rights! So excited about that buddy...I have several friends in Australia that will love John Rain.

Best to you and this next chapter in your life as a brilliant author.

...and I DO mean brilliant. =)

Unknown said...

Hi Barry, I just got done reading London Twist. Great Read. As I came to the end a question popped up. Will john and Delilah ever get back together?

Thanks and congratulations

Barry Eisler said...

Thanks again everyone. Ivin, I'm flattered, but I have to keep going on the new book. Chris, I guess we're gonna find out... ;)

Unknown said...

5It is now April,near the end of a long Winter. I stumbled upon this and now I am reaching out. The J.R. series is good. I have all my books in boxes waiting for my library, I think my Husband bought me a kindle partly to save space - as our house is small,800 square feet-and because he loves me. However it has been awhile since I read these books and think my last one was The Detachment. I can't afford to 're-buy other John Rain books and want to know what the order is and if I need to read the short stories

Mr. Eisler,if you read this,congratulations on your good news. It is great to work for yourself and be a little independent and I do want to read London Twist if I figure out the order of this series

Thank You